Baby BackPack!!

Auntie Catherine is staying with us at the moment and we just got back from a long weekend to Redding/Mount Shasta/Lassen Volcanic National Park. We had a GREAT weekend and look for photos here soon ... once I can decide which of the BILLION photos to put up here! But we realised a few days before we left that we would need a baby backpack if we were going to do any hiking as a pushchair/stroller might not cut it. We eventually tracked one down at REI (thanks Aunty Caroline and Uncle Adrian for signing us up as members!). Here we all are trying it out before we left!!! James seemed to like being up high and liked looking around at everything around him. We did use it on our trip, switching between the three of us. It was VERY hot. If anyone wants to borrow it just let me know. ;0)
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